
服务公告 > 公告 > 關於春節放假通知書


发布时间:2024-01-01 00:00


To customers:


新春伊始,萬象更新。 第八雲全體員工在此深深感謝您長期以來對我司的'支持與厚愛! 向您致上最誠摯的祝福與問候!在新的一年裡,我司會更努力,為您提供更優質的服務!

At the beginning of the new year, everything is renewed. All employees of Eighth Cloud would like to deeply thank you for your long-term support and love for our company! I send you my most sincere blessings and greetings! In the new year, our company will work harder to provide you with better services!


Based on the specific situation of our company, the company’s specific arrangements for the Spring Festival holiday are as follows:



Spring Festival holiday time:

2月4日(臘月二十五)― 2月10日(農曆正月初十)。

February 4th (the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month) - February 10th (the tenth day of the first lunar month).


Normal work will resume on February 11 (the eleventh day of the first lunar month).


假期期間業務全自動化,如在使用過程中需要協助,可以提交工單,我們後台值班專員將竭誠為您服務! 因假期給您帶來的不便,深表歉意,望見諒! 新年來臨之際,謹祝您在新的一年生意興隆、萬事如意、幸福安康!

During the holidays, the business is fully automated. If you need assistance during use, you can submit a work order and our backend duty specialists will serve you wholeheartedly! We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you during the holiday and hope you can forgive us! As the New Year approaches, I wish you a prosperous business, all the best, happiness and good health in the new year!

上一篇: 關於同時支持IPV4和IPV6的支持


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